MissionSquare Retirement and City of Long Beach present
How Well Do You Know
The City of Long Beach 457 Deferred Compensation Plan?
Take the Quiz
Question 1/9 Where do you enroll online for the City of Long Beach 457 Deferred Compensation Plan?
A. www.457LongBeach.org
B. www.longbeach.gov
C. Your LifeView account
D. All the above
That's right! Visit www.457LongBeach.org to enroll today.
The correct answer is A. Visit www.457LongBeach.org to enroll today.
Go to next question ...
B. www.missionsquare.org
The correct answer is C. Log in to your Lifeview account to select or change your contribution.
That's right! Log in to your Lifeview account to select or change your contribution.
Question 2/9 Where do you select or change your contribution online?
D. $50,170
C. $216,509
B. $109,137
A. $17,785
That's right! Use the Cost of Delay calculator at www.457LongBeach.org to see how saving to your employer's retirement plan can benefit your financial future.
Question 3/9 If you start saving $50 per paycheck at age 25 with a 6% average annual return, how much would your account balance be at age 65?
The correct answer is C. Use the Cost of Delay calculator at www.457LongBeach.org to see how saving to your employer's retirement plan can benefit your financial future.
D. MissionSquare Brokerage fund
C. Stock fund
B. Long Beach Stable Value fund
A. Target Date portfolio
Question 4/9 Which investment option is the default option for initial plan enrollment?
That's right! Visit www.457LongBeach.org and click on Investments to view your available investment options.
The correct answer is A. Visit www.457LongBeach.org and click on Investments to view your available investment options.
D. Money market fund
B. A portfolio that‘s already diversified and selects funds based on a projected retirement date and individual needs
A. A fund for which you select your target of income
Question 5/9 What is a Target Date Fund?
That's right! Visit www.missionsq.org/lb-options and click on SIMPLIFIED INVESTOR to learn more about the Long Beach Target Date Funds.
The correct answer is B. Visit www.missionsq.org/lb-options and click on SIMPLIFIED INVESTOR to learn more about the Long Beach Target Date Funds.
D. Suze Orman
C. MissionSquare Retirement Plans Specialist
B. City of Long Beach Human Resources
A. Uncle Ed
That's right!
Question 6/9 Who should you consult with regarding your investment options in the City of Long Beach 457 Deferred Compensation Plan?
The correct answer is C.
To learn more about your investment options, schedule an appointment with Tisha Neal, your Retirement Plans Specialist, at www.missionsq.org/appt-longbeach.
C. Google
B. www.457LongBeach.org
A. www.longbeach.gov/hr
Question 7/9 What is the best resource for viewing all the investment options available in the City of Long Beach 457 Deferred Compensation Plan?
The correct answer is B. Visit www.457LongBeach.org and click on Investments to view your available investment options.
C. Lower fees
B. Access to the Long Beach 457 investment portfolio
A. No-cost financial planning
Question 8/9 What are the benefits of leaving your fundsin your City of Long Beach 457 Deferred Contribution Plan when you retire?
The correct answer is D. Visit www.missionsq.org/leaving-employment to learn more about the benefits of leaving your funds in the City of Long Beach 457 Deferred Compensation Plan.
That's right! Visit www.missionsq.org/leaving-employment to learn more about the benefits of leaving your funds in the City of Long Beach 457 Deferred Compensation Plan.
D. All of the above
C. Visit www.457LongBeach.org
B. Call MissionSquare Participant Services at (800) 669-7400
A. Contact your MissionSquare Retirement representative, Tisha Neal
Question 9/9 How can you access your City of Long Beach 457 Deferred Compensation Plan and additional resources?
The correct answer is D. You can access your resouces by:
Finish up ...
That's right! You can access your resouces by:
Scheduling an appointment with Tisha at www.missionsq.org/appt-longbeach.
Calling MissionSquare Participant Services at (800) 669-7400.
Visiting www.457LongBeach.org.
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Congratulationson winning today's game!
Now go and start a winningretirement savings strategy.
Schedule an appointment with Tisha, your Retirement Plans Specialist
Visit www.457LongBeach.org